Joe's Week @ BUCS Sculling Camp


In August 2018, Joe Timmins joined the England Talent Pathway which identifies high potential athletes for GB rowing. The process to enter GB pathways began with initial testing at BUCs regatta during his novice year of rowing with UWBC; including anthropometric tests and maximum force tests. Head Men’s Coach, Carl Willott, and Joe were then invited to a talent confirmation day at the Redgrave Pinsent Rowing Lake in Caversham- the home of GB rowing. Further testing included additional anthropometric measurements and max power output on dynamic weights machines. This was followed by a Schwinn bike test, testing both mental stamina as well as physical fitness, as you increased the RPM during the exercise, the bike increased resistance as the test progressed. Finally, the testing day was concluded with a 1000m rate capped erg and a 250m sprint erg. Following a successful day of testing, Joe was invited onto the BUCs sculling camp at the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham with Carl.

      During this one-week training camp, the programme included extensive water sessions, land based fitness sessions as well as numerous land based technique sessions, coaching perfect ergo technique, nutrition, anti-doping and healthy lifestyle information. Only having had a couple of outings in a single sculling boat prior to the camp, this week presented a huge learning curve. Joe was able to take all that he learnt over the previous week into the British Sculling Festival at the weekend, where he was able to showcase his increased technical ability. The festival included some less conventional skills such as standing 360’s in the boat and standing rigger dips as well as more standard side by side racing, which ended up being even more unconventional as bad weather meant the conditions felt more like rowing out at sea!


Since completing the camp, Joe has been linked with an England Talent Pathway Coach who works with me and Carl to further develop Joe as an athlete, offering him the best chance of progressing into the GB rowing squad. I have been supported with comprehensive training plans and information to help me fulfil my potential in later periodic testing, monitored by my Pathways coach. He looks forward to seeing what the future holds!